Design Philosophy

KISS – “Keep It Simple Silly” is a well known acronym within the American culture. LCB believes in this design approach. However, we recognize that simple solutions do not always come easy. In fact, many generic concepts lead to complicated detailed design solutions. LCB combines industry experience and a cost based design approach to provide solutions that are simple and make sense for our clients. Contact us to find out how we can help you conserve time, energy and money in your business and/or project.


Communication. Cooperation. Coordination.
The company believes that its success can be attributed to the team approach that it has implemented. The construction process is a combined effort involving multiple team members, including Owner/Client, Architect, Engineer, and Construction Manager. While each team member has his/her own primary area of responsibility, LCB has developed the experience and leadership required to create effective communication, cooperation, and coordination among every partner for a successful completion of the project.


Committed to Excellence
LCB’s leadership team combines more than 40+ years of experience in commercial and residential general and mechanical contracting. This team has been, and continues to be committed to helping privately owned, commercial and government individual and entities derive solid contracting solutions. The unique blend of engineering, financial and construction knowledge contained within LCB’s core leadership team differentiates us from other small minority owned organizations and provides an inherent motivation to keep this distinction by striving for continuous improvement in our services and solutions. An ever evolving total commitment to the success of our clients and the effective execution of every designed contracting solution keeps LCB pressing towards our goal of continued excellence.